Small Group Discussion
Recently, I met a catechist who said she wished that there was more time for small group discussion in the programme she helps out with.…
Recently, I met a catechist who said she wished that there was more time for small group discussion in the programme she helps out with.…
Dear readers, it’s that busy Autumn term again and I’ve been out of the blogging loop. This past month I have been… Launching a formation…
An issue that is very close to my heart is forming catechetical leaders for the next generation. I feel that we especially need young catechetical…
How nice to return to (almost) normal life! There’s something lovely about being in your own parish for Mass, getting into a regular routine at…
I have to tell you, it was something of a shock to step back into this cool, rainy country, people… After a month of blistering…
In Kansas City, it was almost cool enough to be outside yesterday. It rained a couple of nights ago for the first time in weeks…
A little aside from my Stateside adventure… Have a quick peek at this: The Evangelium Conference takes place from Friday 3rd – Sunday 5th August…