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Both books are available to buy here.


Catechist’s Guide (spiral-bound): £29.99

Candidate’s Workbook: £9.99

1 Comment

  1. 29 June 2018 / 8:04 pm

    I am interested in getting information about bulk pricing for both the Transformed in Christ Catechist’s Guide and Candidate’s Workbook. I would possibly be interested in ordering about 250 Candidate’s Workbooks and 50 Catechist’s Guides. Also, I live in the United States so I would appreciate the quote in US Dollars. Additionally, if I were to place an order, approximately what would shipping cost and what would be the time frame for delivery? Thank you in advance for this information.
    In Christ,
    Jen Gordon
    Middle School Faith Formation/Confirmation Coordinator
    SS. Peter & Paul Church
    4450 Granite Drive
    Rocklin, CA 95677

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